
Facebook Social Games : Why are they so Popular?

Facebook not only changed the way people communicate these days, it has also changed the way people \"play\" these days. Apart from regular computer or web games, Facebook social games carry their own importance in the genre. Here is an info-article putting some light to the topic.

By: Deepak Nautiyal

You must already have become an "addict" or a "victim" of viral social games we find in Facebook. And you must already know that these games are a lot different from what you generally play on your computer or in other gaming websites; as Facebook games involve and engage your network of friends. Thanks to Facebook's own way of representing what you are doing on the platform, your entire network will know what you are playing, and on which level have you reached. This works as a stimulation to others and they feel an urge to indulge in the activities as well.
The infographic here talks about a number of reasons - why Facebook social games have become so popular?

Facebook Social Games

These games can be "mindless" for certain sections, but is actually means of serious cash for game developers. Facebook has a track record of earning as much as $500 million only from games. So, games here are serious!

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    Facebook Social Games

    Facebook User Satisfaction Scores

Author : Deepak Nautiyal

The author has produced & edited several articles and related informative material for a range of genres including web design & development, software development, Internet marketing etc. He likes to create informative content to educate readers regarding the current tech trends, while remaining engaged in a host of online promotional activities for his organization.