
Mobile Marketing Trends Businesses Need to Leverage in 2015

Smartphone usage has grown incredibly fast over the past years. Trends change every year and so based on the mobile SEO scene in 2014, the stage for 2015 is all set. However, this year, mobile marketers will have to pay attention to a few other points. Trends that will rule mobile SEO this year include mobile security, mobile payments becoming larger, shift to mobile web etc.

By: Sujoy

A number of changes in the mobile marketing field have come over in the past year. Based on these changes, mobile marketers will have to formulate a strong strategy for the year 2015. Mobile commerce will definitely see an upsurge this year and so proportionate to these would be the possibilities for mobile SEO.

Promising signs are evident as Smartphone usage has increased over time. Customer behavior analysis points out the fact that compared to traditional desktop systems, mobiles have gained more importance when it comes to searching for products, making purchases or looking for products info. Following figure should clarify the picture best.

Mobile will have a strong role in the evolution and user behavior of social networks along with emphasis on internal collaboration. Let's take a look at the trends mobile marketers will have to follow in 2015.

Mobile Optimization to Gain More Prominence – In 2014, mobile optimization was the prime agenda for almost all businesses. However in 2015, mobile strategies will move beyond the spheres of responsive design and mobile apps. Its predicted that in the next half of 2015, businesses may go mobile in all realms of marketing.

More Emphasis on Mobile Security – Last year witnessed a number of unexpected security breaches via well-planned hacks. Mobile data is more exposed to misuse by Cyber criminals and this brings out the need for improvised security levels ensuring safety against such data malpractice.

Smart Gadgets to Be on a Roll – Wearable and Smart gadgets will continue to evolve at a steady pace. A major role of wearables has been in providing health & sleep data accurately. A complete new set of wearables are all set to launch in the coming year and these also need to be accounted for while devising your mobile strategy.

Probable Shift to Mobile Web Basics – Over the past years, businesses have focused more on innovation than practicality. Last year, there were millions customers who changed their purchasing tactic focusing more on mobile. In 2015, marketers will thus have to ensure that the sites they handle are secured stable; that will ultimately call for shifting the momentum to back to mobile web basics.

Mobile Payments Go Bigger – Brands will now on focus on making payments easier for customers by leveraging cutting-edge mobile payment systems; no matter, whether its about one-click checkout on an online store or some other aspect related to mobile payment. Brands embracing the utility of mobile payments will be the real winners in the end.

Tags :

    Mobile SEO Optimization

    Mobile Marketing

    Smartphone usage

Author : Sujoy

The author has immense experience in digital marketing activities, SEO/SMO, web design and development etc. Using his vast experience in these fields, he has been creating informative content for these genres. His keen endeavors to know and understand current industry trends has helped him to inform users about the regular uproars happening in the industry through his blogs.