Seattle Personal Injury Lawyers
Project Scope:
Acquire 20 Reciprocal/Non reciprocal links/month Manually from Industry Relevant Websites
Time Frame:
Per month
The Challenge: is a law firm, Paglialunga & Harris, PS, representing individuals in personal injury, discrimination, and consumer protection claims. The firm handles many types of serious personal injury cases, including wrongful deaths, maritime injuries, liquor server liability, motor vehicle accidents, premises liability, sexual harassment, negligent highway design, bicycle accidents, motorcycle accident cases, and medical malpractice, and works with some of the very best engineers, physicians, and other experts to help win cases for the clients, so he wants:
* Quality and relevant links from the reputed sites
* Community specific sites links
* Internal page URL exposure
* Revolving anchor texts
Our Response: offers experienced legal representation for victims of serious injury and discrimination and getting the link from the related theme which mainly is in the form of government authority sites beside these problems our link team has:
* Achieved the quality and relevant links within the time frame
* Page Ranking has increased in Google
* Stability has been maintained and the popularity is increased
* Internal pages are well indexed by major search engines
* Traffic increased
The Results:
* Incoming Traffic
* Ranking in all major search engines
* Return on investment (ROI)