Contractors Networking
The Challenge:
Contractors Networking(CN) is an online resources that works towards enhancing leadership qualities and overall capabilities of contractors by way of educational services, leadership solutions, and best practices designed to help build lasting associations. Also keep relevant information available to all contractors, written by contractors, affiliates, and vendors for contractors.
The Response:
We commenced with the set-up SMO profiles and do promotion. Right from the beginning of the project, we undertook the best of SMO related development & design modifications/refinement measures – important for implementation. We effectuated advanced SMO steps for the website to ensure better and stable results across the social media.
We segregated our tasks under a periodic and regular series of activities partaking to Social Media Optimization.
Following gives a sum of steps that we have followed with regard to meeting our objectives:
- Participation in Social Media Communities
- Profile creation
- Profile optimization
- Social Bookmarking
- Product and service-specific entries on several popular Book Marking sites
- Blogs/articles writing and postings in reputed blog and article directories
Website URL:
The Result:
Our strategic SMO steps helped experience improved visibility across the social media and, as a result, received a good fan following on Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, Google+ and Twitter.